Sustainable Energy for Indonesia

Buildings today account for 40% of the world’s primary energy consumption and are responsible for about one-third of global CO2 emissions (24% according to IEA, 2008; 33% according to Price et al., 2006). Despite steady increases in energy prices, especially crude oil, Indonesia has enjoyed steady economic growth of around 5 percent since rebounding from the 1999-2000 crises. All of this growth is surely accompanied by the increase in energy demand due to the increasing number of homes, factories, and commercial and industrial buildings. If we assume that demand for electricity will grow in average 7% per year for the next 30 years, then electricity consumption will significantly increase, for example in the household sector, consumption will increase from 21.52 GWh in 2000 to around 444.53 GWh in 2030.

There are four main sectors of energy users, namely household, commercial, industrial and transportation sector. Currently the largest energy user is the industrial sector with a share of 44.2%. Next largest consumption is the transportation sector with 40.6%, followed by the household sector with 11.4% and the commercial sector with 3.7%. Until now, the primary sources of energy still come from fossil fuels, with 46.9% from oil, 26.4% from coal, and 21.9% from natural gas. Hydro (water) power and other renewable energy only make up about 4.8% from the total of utilized energy resources.

Energy Efficiency versus Energy Conservation

Energy efficiency is the most cost-effective way of cutting carbon dioxide emissions and improvements to households and businesses. It can also have many other additional social, economic and health benefits, such as healthier homes, lower fuel bills and company running costs and, indirectly, jobs. The choices we make about how we use energy-turning machines off when we’re not using them or choosing to buy energy efficient appliances-impact our environment and our lives. There are many things we can do to use less energy and use it more wisely. These things involve energy conservation and energy efficiency. Many people think these terms mean the same thing, but they are different.

Energy conservation is any behavior that results in the use of less energy. Energy efficiency is the use of technology that requires less energy to perform the same function. A compact fluorescent light bulb that uses less energy than an incandescent bulb to produce the same amount of light is an example of energy efficiency. The decision to replace an incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent is an example of energy conservation. As consumers, our energy choices and actions can result in reductions in the amount of energy used in all four sectors of the economy; residential and commercial, industrial, and transportation.

Home Energy Usage

Households use about 41 percent of the total energy consumed in Indonesia each year. Cooling systems use more energy than any other systems in our homes. Typically, 43 percent of an average family’s energy bills are spent to keep homes at a comfortable temperature. Energy efficient improvements can make a home more comfortable and save money.

One of local improvement that we can apply is by landscaping. Although it isn’t possible to control the weather, landscaping can reduce its impact on home energy use. By placing trees, shrubs, and other landscaping to block the wind and provide shade, people can reduce the energy needed to keep their homes comfortable during dry and wet seasons. Another, is by choosing appliances for homes. Appliances account for about 20 percent of a typical household’s energy use, with refrigerators, clothes washers and dryers at the top of the list. When shopping for new appliances, you should think of two price tags. The first one is the purchase price. The second price tag is the cost of operating the appliance during its lifetime. You’ll be paying that second price tag on your utility bill every month for the next 10 to 20 years, depending on the appliance. Many energy efficient appliances cost more to buy, but save money in lower energy costs. Over the life of an appliance, an energy efficient model is always a better deal.

Energy Wise Consumers

The products we use every day consumes an enormous amount of energy to be manufactured. Therefore, manufacturers must use energy efficient technologies and conservation measures to be successful in businesses. As consumers, we can help to protect the environment and save money, energy, and natural resources by Reducing, Reusing and Recycling the products no longer use. Here are some useful measures that consumer can easy to put into practice.

Buy only what you need. Purchasing fewer goods means less to throw away. It also results in fewer goods being produced and less energy being used in the manufacturing process. Buying goods with less packaging also reduces the amount of waste generated and the amount of energy used.

Buy products that can be used repeatedly. If you buy things that can be reused rather than disposable items that are used once and thrown away, you will save natural resources. You’ll also save the energy used to make them and reduce the amount of landfill space needed to contain the waste.

Make it a priority to recycle all materials that you can. Using recycled material almost always consumes less energy than using new materials. Recycling reduces energy needs for mining, refining, and many other manufacturing processes. Recycling a pound of steel saves enough energy to light a 60-watt light bulb for 26 hours. Recycling a ton of glass saves the equivalent of nine gallons of fuel oil. Recycling aluminum cans saves 95 percent of the energy required to produce aluminum from bauxite. Recycling paper reduces energy usage by half.

Energy Sustainability

Efficiency and conservation are key components of energy sustainability. The concept that every generation should meet its energy needs without compromising the energy needs of future generations. Energy sustainability focuses on long-term energy strategies and policies that ensure adequate energy to meet today’s needs, as well as tomorrows. Sustainability also includes investing in research and development of advanced technologies for producing conventional energy sources, promoting the use of alternative energy sources, and encouraging sound environmental policies. The need for a profound transformation of the world’s energy-producing and -using infrastructure is, of course, already widely recognized in the context of mounting concern about global climate change.

In some cases, technology improvements that reduce emissions of conventional air pollutants (such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and particulate matter) can be expected to also reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Some conventional pollutants, such as black carbon, directly contribute to warming. In those cases, conventional emission controls can provide automatic climate co-benefits. In other cases, the relationship is more complicated: Sulfur particles, for example, actually have a cooling effect in the atmosphere. In general, most post-combustion conventional-pollutant control technologies do not reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas.

Renewable Energy for Indonesia

Today, renewable energy accounts for a small but growing portion of Indonesia’s electricity portfolio. Most renewable energy comes from the hydro power and geothermal industries, but growth in other sectors is likely. Surprisingly, Indonesia continues to import fossil fuels to cover production deficiencies instead of fully utilizing its already installed renewable energy capacity. Expanding the production of existing resources (that is, already operating geothermal plants or hydro power dams) could displace some fossil fuel imports, by lowering the cost of energy subsidies and creating additional demand for renewable energy technology and expertise. Indonesia Presidential Decree No. 5 mandates an increase in renewable energy production from 7 percent to 15 percent of generating capacity by 2025. To accomplish that goal, 6.7 GW of new renewable energy capacity must be installed in the next 15 years based on current growth projections (Ibid). Geothermal and biomass have been slated for the most growth, but opportunities exist in every renewable energy technology.

A policy on renewable energy and energy conservation was promulgated by The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources on December 2003 giving references for renewable energy development and energy conservation in Indonesia to support sustainable development program. Under the Green Energy Policy, renewable energy in Indonesia has been classified into three types: (a) already developed commercially (biomass, geothermal, and hydro energy); (b) already developed but still limited (solar, wind); and (c) still at the research stage (ocean energy). The Green Energy Policy defines action steps consisting of formulation of more specific policies and programs. These include policies for: (a) investment and funding; (b) incentives; (c) energy pricing; (d) human resources; (e) information dissemination; (f) standardization and certification; (g) research and development; and (I) institutional development.

For the Indonesia archipelago, the energy solution is really dependent on its geographical position and natural resources. Through implementation of various policies and programs by the government increase the awaren

Global Climate Change Creates Demand for Green Energy, TRCs, and Emissions Trading In Mexico

Global warming and climate change are intense issues driving heated discussions around the globe. Industrialized countries understand the issues, but fight major concessions due to limited participation by third world countries and the high cost of reducing the carbon footprint. Renewable energy will take hold in Mexico. As incomes and GDP increase, this sector benefits.

How can green energy trading credits or emissions credits surface as an international trading product in the manner that energy leaders imagined over 15 years ago? Green energy products emerge in individual markets at a slow pace. Many markets fail to work with one another. The best green energy type trading firms exist in America and the United Kingdom (UK). Will the United Nations (UN) successfully create a leadership group to push this green platform? Has reforestation surpassed green energy trading credits to slow global warming? Is it simply a visible thought to save the sacred green space across the world?

The UN supports climate change and global warming. A green energy trading exchange in Mexico helps the UN platform. Leo DiCaprio’s short speech on climate change talked about the UN’s Climate Change Summit supporting efforts at home and abroad to tame global warming. In January 2016, Mr. DiCaprio spoke in Davos, Switzerland at the annual World Economic Forum meeting about climate change and big energy.

Tradable Renewable Certificates or TRCs and emission offsets meet Mexico and other LATAM countries’ legal requirements for lower carbon footprint. These TRC are differentiated by type of renewable energy, the geographic region location of the electric plant, date of the TRC benefits. Green energy or TRC trading units are created by many unique investors. These investors build and finance the underlying green energy and renewable energy asset base to supply TRCs. As these arrive, traders will be able to execute legal contracts to capture TRC benefits and resell them. These will likely be sold by the month or year and each TRC will represent one year’s worth of renewable energy benefits. The existing TRC market is underway in USA and Canada.

Will green energy trading credits or Emissions credits become an international trading product in the manner that energy leaders imagined over 15 years ago? Green energy products continue to surface in individual markets at a slow pace. Many markets fail to work with one another in a way to improve progress for global warming issues. The best green energy type trading firms exist in Houston, NYC, and London. Will any agency or UN type organization successfully create a tightly knit leadership group to push this green platform? Will reforestation surpass green energy trading credits in slowing global warming?

The UN is very involved in climate change and global warming. This new green energy trading exchange should benefit lies between Mexico and the UN. Leo DiCaprio gave a short speech on climate change for the UN’s Climate Change Summit supporting efforts at home and abroad to tame global warming.

Green energy or TRC trading units are created by many unique investors. These investors build and finance the underlying green energy and renewable energy asset base to supply TRCs. As these arrive, traders will be able to execute legal contracts to capture TRC benefits and resell them. These TRC are differentiated by type of renewable energy, the geographic region location of the electric plant, date of the TRC benefits. These will likely be sold by the month or year and each TRC will represent one year’s worth of renewable energy benefits. The existing TRC market is underway in USA and Canada.

TRCs and emission offsets may be used to settle Mexico and other LATAM countries’ legal requirements for lower carbon footprint. This map is derived from CFE, CRE, and CONAE research and shows the wide range of existing green energy assets in Mexico. Australia’s carbon emissions increased 3.8 million tons during the last year. Each continent’s emission numbers continue to rise.

Tradable Renewable Certificates (TRC)

One type of trading product in the future of Mexico is TRCs. These can be created from renewable energy electric power plants. The TRC represents the environmental benefits associated with the use of renewable fuels, rather than fossil fuels. TRCs can be classified as a good or service. TRCs may be labeled as securities by an trading exchange to unsophisticated consumers. This could arise from a decision by governments to require their use. TRCs includes air emission offsets like NOx benefits, SO2 benefits, and CO2 offsets for carbon monoxide trading. The oversight for TRCs in Mexico will include CONAE (The National Commission for Energy Conservation of Mexico) and CFE (The Federal Electricity Commission).

The Green Exchange

The Green Exchange Venture invests in green energy and renewable energy. It creates green energy derivatives and similar products through the financing of very large energy assets and the loan syndication. The individual members of this group have significant derivative trading expertise. It will move into LATAM as this market matures. The new Mexican legislation for annual clean energy awards is a driver.Green Exchange Holdings LLC, members include Constellation NewEnergy, Credit Suisse Energy, Evolution Markets, Goldman Sachs, ICAP Energy, J.P. Morgan Ventures Energy, Morgan Stanley Capital Group, RNK Capital, Spectron Energy, TFS Energy, Tudor Investment, Vitol and CME Group. Small companies should avoid investing in this area until the market is mature.

Goldman Sachs owns a 10 percent stake in a carbon credit trading group (Chicago Climate Exchange) and owns a minority stake in a Utah-based firm selling carbon credits (Blue Source LLC). Goldman also invested in wind power (Horizon Wind Energy), renewable diesel (Changing World Technologies) and solar power (joint venture with BP Solar). Goldman clearly has a history of investing and managing green energy credits in America. As North American governments force energy producers to use cleaner energy, this expertise should be quite valuable. This market may be subject to high volatility as it matures. Goldman may be the first firm to create cross country border green energy trading credits.

There are options for excess solar energy from solar farms and solar commercial installations across Mexico. These are great commercial and industrial options in Mexico due to financing and presidential support. The idea is less perfect in the residential sector due to theft and income levels. Renewable energy will take hold in Mexico. As incomes and GDP increase, this sector benefits.

Volumes of excess solar power will be sold in the spot market to users and LDC’s. SMOG may affect the market area around Mexico city. A physical investigation of the underlying asset base is required for spot purchases and swaps of excess solar energy sales. Purchase or acquire the underlying weather records for the geographic area and store them in the Cloud. Use this data to create a reliable pattern of projected weather related spot energy options or swaps as the market develops. There are commercial services which supply reliable weather data.

CFE, CRE, and CONAE research shows the wide range of existing green energy assets in Mexico. Australia’s carbon emissions increased 3.8 million tons during the last year. Each continent’s emission numbers continue to rise.

Excess solar energy from solar farms and solar commercial installations exist across Mexico. Excess solar power will be sold in the spot market to customers and LDC’s. These commercial and industrial options in Mexico have both financing and presidential support. The residential sector will have challenges due to theft and income levels.

SMOG in Mexico City could impact placement of solar installations near downtown. A physical investigation of the underlying asset base is required for spot purchases and swaps of excess solar energy sales. Acquire weather records in the geographic area prior to acquisition. This data creates projected weather for spot energy options or swaps as the market develops. There are commercial services which supply reliable weather data. ©2016

Three Powerful Utility Bill Analysis Methods For the Energy Manager

Utility Bill Tracking systems are at the center of an effective energy management program. However, some organizations spend time and money putting together a utility bill tracking system and never reap any value. This paper presents three utility bill analysis techniques which energy managers can use to arrive at sound energy management decisions and achieve cost savings.

Utility bill tracking and analysis is at the center of rigorous energy management practice. Reliable energy management decisions can be made based upon analysis from an effective utility bill tracking system. From your utility bills you can determine:

- whether you are saving energy or increasing your consumption,
- which buildings are using too much energy,
- whether your energy management efforts are succeeding,
- whether there are utility billing or metering errors, and
- when usage or metering anomalies occur (ie. when usage patterns change)

Any energy management program is incomplete if it does not track utility bills. Equally, any energy management program is rendered less effective when its utility tracking system is difficult to use or does not yield valuable information. In either case, fruitful energy savings opportunities are lost.

Many practical energy managers make the smart choice and invest in utility bill tracking software, but then fail to recover their initial investment in energy savings opportunities. How could this be?

This paper introduces three simple and useful procedures that can be performed with utility bill tracking software. Just performing and acting upon the first two types of analysis will likely save you enough money to pay for your utility bill tracking system in the first year. The three topics are Benchmarking, Load Factor Analysis, and Weather Normalization as shown in Table 1.

Let’s suppose you were the new energy manager in charge of a portfolio of school buildings for a district. Due to a lack of resources, you cannot devote your attention to all the schools at the same time. You must select a handful of schools to overhaul. To identify those schools most in need of your attention, one of the first things you might do is find out which schools were using too much energy. A simple comparison of Total Annual Utility Costs spent would identify those buildings that spend the most on energy, but not why.

Benchmarking Different Categories of Buildings
When benchmarking, it is also useful to only compare similar facilities. For example, if you looked at a school district and compared all buildings by $/SQFT, you might find that the technology centers administration buildings were at the top of the list, since administration buildings and technology centers often have more computers and are more energy intensive than elementary schools and preschools. These results are expected and not necessarily useful. For this reason, it might be wise to break your buildings into categories, and then benchmark just one category at a time.

Different Datasets
You can benchmark your buildings against each other (as we did in our example) or against publicly available databases of similar buildings in your area. Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager allows you to compare your buildings against others in your region. Perhaps those buildings in your portfolios that looked the most wasteful are still in the top 50th percentile of all similar buildings in your area. This would be useful to know.

Occasionally, management decides that their organization needs to save some arbitrary percentage (5%, 10%, etc.) on utility costs each year. Depending upon the goal, this can be quite challenging, if not impossible. Energy managers can use benchmarking to guide management in setting realistic energy management goals. For example, our school district energy manager might decide to create a goal that the three most energy consuming schools use only $0.80/SQFT. Since this is about as much as the lowest energy consuming schools are currently using, this could be an attainable goal.

If you can find a dataset, you may also be able to benchmark your buildings against a set of similar buildings in your area and see the range of possibilities for your buildings. In any case, benchmarking will focus your energy management efforts and provide realistic goals for the future.

Rules of Thumb
New energy managers often search for a “rule of thumb” to use for benchmarking. An example could be: “If your building uses more than $2/SQFT/Year then you have a problem.” Unfortunately, this won’t work. Different types of buildings have different energy intensities. Moreover, different building locations will require differing amounts of energy for heating and cooling. In San Francisco, where temperatures are consistently in the 60s, there is almost no cooling requirement for many building types; whereas in Miami, buildings will almost always require cooling. Different building types, with their characteristic energy intensities, different weather sites, and different utility rates all combine to make it hard to have rules of thumb for benchmarking. However, energy managers whose portfolios are all close by, can develop their own rules of thumb. These rules will most likely not be transferable to other energy managers in different locations, with different building types, or using different utility configurations.

Benchmarking Buildings in Different Locations
There are some complications associated with benchmarking. Suppose you were the energy manager of a chain store, and you had buildings in different national locations. Then benchmarking might not be useful in the same sense. Would it be fair to compare a San Diego store to a Chicago store, when it is always the right temperature outside in San Diego, and always too hot or too cold in Chicago? The Chicago store will constantly be heating or cooling, while the San Diego store might not have many heating or cooling needs. Comparing at $/SQFT might help decide which store locations are most expensive to operate due to high utility rates and different heating and cooling needs.

Some energy analysts benchmark using kBtu/SQFT to remove the effect of utility rates (replacing $ with kBtu). Some will take it a step further using kBtu/SQFT/HDD to remove the effect of weather (adding HDD), but adding HDD (or CDD) is not a fair measurement, as it assumes that all usage is associated with heating. This measurement also does not take into account cooling (or heating) needs. Many thoughtful energy managers shy away from benchmarking that involves CDD or HDD.

Different Benchmarking Units
Another popular benchmarking method is to use kBtu/SQFT (per year), rather than $/SQFT (per year). By using energy units rather than costs, “rules of thumb” can be created that are not invalidated with each rate increase. In addition, the varying costs of different utility rates does not interfere with the comparison.
Benchmarking Summation
Benchmarking is a simple and convenient practice that allows energy managers to quickly assess the energy performance of their buildings by simply comparing them against each other using a relative (and relevant) yardstick. Buildings most in need of energy management practice are easily singled out. Reasonable energy usage targets are easily determined for problem buildings.

Once you have identified which buildings you want to make more efficient, you can use Load Factor Analysis to concentrate your energy management focus towards reducing energy or reducing demand.

What Load Factor is
Load Factor is commonly calculated by billing period, and is the ratio between average demand and peak (or metered) demand. Average demand is the average hourly draw during the billing period.

What Load Factor Means
High Load Factors (greater than 0.75) represent meters that have nearly constant loads. Equipment is likely not turned off at night and peak usage (relative to off peak usage) is low.

Low Load Factors (less than 0.25) belong to meters that have very high peak power draws relative to the remainder of the sample. These meters could be associated with chillers or electric heating equipment that is turned off for much of the day. Low Load Factors can also be associated with buildings that shut off nearly all equipment during non-running hours, such as elementary schools.

Load Factors greater than 1 are theoretically impossible , but appear occasionally on utility bills. Isolated instances of very high or low Load Factors are usually an indicator of metering errors.

One school, Tyler MS, consistently has a much lower Load Factor than the others (hovering consistently around 20%). Low Load Factors can be ascribed to either very high peak loads or very low loads during other hours. In this case, we cannot blame the Load Factor problem on “peaky” cooling loads, as the problem exists all year. A likely cause can be that Tyler MS is doing a better job at shutting off all lighting and other equipment at night than the other schools. One school (Jackson MS) typically has higher Load Factors than the other schools. One reason may be that lighting, HVAC and other equipment is running longer hours than at Tyler MS.

A good energy manager would investigate what building operational behavior is contributing to the low Load Factor values (and consequently relatively high demand) for Tyler MS, and would investigate whether the demand could be decreased. Inquiring about whether Jackson MS is turning off equipment at night is also advisable.

Load Factor Rules of Thumb
Load Factor analysis is an art, not a science. Different building types (i.e. schools, offices, hospitals, etc.) will have different Load Factor ranges. Since hospitals run many areas 24 hours a day, one might expect higher Load Factors than for schools, which can turn off virtually everything at night. Also many things contribute to a particular building’s Load Factor. A building left on 24 hours a day can still have a low Load Factor if there are large peaks each month – for example, a 20 bed hospital that has a scheduled MRI truck visit once each month. The MRI demand is large, and can greatly impact the Load Factor of a small facility.

Like Benchmarking, you can determine your own rules of thumb for your buildings, however, your range of acceptable Load Factors will vary based upon building type and climate. Rules of Thumb may not be that helpful though. Like Benchmarking, just identifying the buildings with unusually high and low Load Factors, relative to the other buildings in the portfolio, should be sufficient.

Load Factor Summation
Load Factor can be used to identify billing and metering errors, buildings that are not turning off equipment, and buildings with suspiciously high demands. While Benchmarking can identify buildings most likely to yield large energy efficiency payoffs, Load Factor Analysis can point to easily resolved scheduling and metering issues.

Another important utility bill analysis method is to normalize utility bills to weather. Weather Normalization allows the energy manager to determine whether the facility is saving energy or increasing energy usage, without worrying about weather variation.

Suppose an energy manager replaced the existing chilled water system in a building with a more efficient system. He likely would expect to see energy and cost savings from this retrofit.

A quarter-million dollar retrofit is difficult to justify with results like this. And yet, the energy manager knows that everything in the retrofit went as planned. What caused these results?

Clearly the energy manager cannot present these results without some reason or justification. Management may simply look at the figures and, since figures don’t lie, conclude they have hired the wrong energy manager!

There are many reasons the retrofit may not have delivered the expected savings. One possibility is that the project is delivering savings, but the summer after the retrofit was much hotter than the summer before the retrofit. Hotter summers translate into higher air conditioning loads, which typically result in higher utility bills.

Hotter Summer -> Higher Air Conditioning Load -> Higher Summer Utility Bills

In other words, the new equipment really did save energy, because it was working more efficiently than the old equipment. The figures don’t show this because this summer was so much hotter than last summer.

If the weather really was the cause of the higher usage, then how could you ever use utility bills to measure savings from energy efficiency projects (especially when you can make excuses for poor performance, like we just did)? Your savings numbers would be at the mercy of the weather. Savings numbers would be of no value at all (unless the weather was the same year after year).

Our example may appear a bit exaggerated, but it begs the question: Could weather really have such an impact on savings numbers?

It can, but usually not to this extreme. The summer of 2005 was the hottest summer in a century of record-keeping in Detroit, Michigan. There were 18 days at 90degF or above compared to the usual 12 days. In addition, the average temperature in Detroit was 74.8degF compared to the normal 71.4 degF. At first thought, 3 degrees doesn’t seem like all that much; however, if you convert the temperatures to cooling degree days, the results look dramatic. Just comparing the June through August period, there were 909 cooling degree days in 2005 as compared to 442 cooling degree days in 2004. That is more than double! Cooling degree days are roughly proportional to relative building cooling requirements. For Detroit then, one can infer that an average building required (and possibly consumed) more than twice the amount of energy for cooling in the summer of 2005 than the summer of 2004. It is likely that in the Upper Midwestern United States there were several energy managers who faced exactly this problem!

How is an energy manager going to show savings from a chilled water system retrofit under these circumstances? A simple comparison of utility bills will not work, as the expected savings will get buried beneath the increased cooling load. The solution would be to apply the same weather data to the pre- and post-retrofit bills, and then there would be no penalty for extreme weather. This is exactly what weather normalization does. To show savings from a retrofit (or other energy management practice), and to avoid our disastrous example, an energy manager should normalize the utility bills for weather so that changes in weather conditions will not compromise the savings numbers.

More and more energy managers are now normalizing their utility bills for weather because they want to be able to prove that they are actually saving energy from their energy management efforts.

In many software packages, you can establish the relationship between weather and usage in just one click. Because the one-click “tunings” that the software gives you are not always acceptable, it does help to understand the underlying theory and methodology so that you can identify the problem tunings and make the necessary adjustments. The more you know about the topic the better. The section that follows explains in a little more detail the basic elements of weather normalization.

How Weather Normalization Works
Rather than compare last year’s usage to this year’s usage, when we use weather normalization, we compare how much energy we would have used this year to how much energy we did use this year. Many in our industry do not call the result of this comparison, “Savings”, but rather “Usage Avoidance” or “Cost Avoidance” (if comparing costs). Since we are trying to keep this treatment at an introductory level, we will simply use the word Savings.

When we tried to compare last year’s usage to this year’s usage, we saw disastrous results. We used the equation:

Savings = Last year’s usage – This year’s usage

When we normalize for weather, we use the equation:

Savings = How much energy we would have used this year – This year’s usage

The next question is how to figure out how much energy we would have used this year? This is where weather normalization comes in.

First, we select a year of utility bills to which we want to compare future usage. This would typically be the year before you started your energy efficiency program, the year before you installed a retrofit, or some year in the past that you want to compare current usage to. In this example, we would select the year of utility data before the installation of the chilled water system. We will call this year the Base Year .

Next, we calculate degree days for the Base Year billing periods. Because this example is only concerned with cooling, we need only gather Cooling Degree Days.

Base Year bills and Cooling Degree Days are then normalized by number of days. Normalizing by number of days (in this case, merely, dividing by number of days) removes any noise associated with different bill period lengths. This is done automatically by canned software and would need to be performed by hand if other means were employed.

To establish the relationship between usage and weather, we find the line that comes closest to all the bills. This line, the Best Fit Line, is found using statistical regression techniques available in canned utility bill tracking software and in spreadsheets.

The next step is to ensure that the Best Fit Line is good enough to use. The quality of the best fit line is represented by statistical indicators, the most common of which, is the R2 value. The R2 value represents the goodness of fit, and in energy engineering circles, an R2 > 0.75 is considered an acceptable fit. Some meters have little or no sensitivity to weather or may have other unknown variables that have a greater influence on usage than weather. These meters may have a low R2 value. You can generate R2 values for the fit line in Excel or other canned utility bill tracking software.

This Best Fit Line has an equation, which we call the Fit Line Equation, or in this case the Baseline Equation. The Fit Line Equation might be:

Baseline kWh =
(5 kWh/Day * #Days ) + ( 417 kWh/CDD * #CDD )

Once we have this equation, we are done with the regression process.

Base Year bills ~= Best Fit Line = Fit Line Equation

The Fit Line Equation represents how your facility used energy during the Base Year, and would continue to use energy in the future (in response to changing weather conditions) assuming no significant changes occurred in building consumption patterns.

Once you have the Baseline Equation, you can determine if you saved any energy. How? You take a bill from some billing period after the Base Year. You then plug in the number of days from your bill and the number of Cooling Degree Days from the billing period into your Baseline Equation.

Suppose for a current month’s bill, there were 30 days and 100 CDD associated with the billing period.

Baseline kWh =

( 5 kWh/Day * #Days ) + ( 417 kWh/CDD * #CDD )

Baseline kWh =
( 5 kWh/Day * 30 ) + ( 417 kWh/CDD * 100 )

Baseline kWh = 41,850 kWh

Remember, the Baseline Equation represents how your building used energy in the Base Year. So, with the new inputs of number of days and number of degree days, the Baseline Equation will tell you how much energy the building would have used this year based upon Base Year usage patterns and this year’s conditions (weather and number of days). We call this usage that is determined by the Baseline Equation, Baseline Usage.

Now, to get a fair estimate of energy savings, we compare:

Savings = How much energy we would have used this year – How much energy we did use this year

Or if we change the terminology a bit:

Savings = Baseline Energy Usage – Actual Energy Usage

where Baseline Energy Usage is calculated by the Baseline Equation, using current month’s weather and number of days, and Actual Energy Usage is the current month’s bill.

So, using our example, suppose this month’s bill was for 30,000 kWh:

Savings = Baseline Energy Usage – Actual Energy Usage

Savings = 41,850 kWh – 30,000 kWh

Savings = 11,850 kWh

Utility Bill Tracking is at the center of a successful energy management system, but the bills must be used for sound analysis for any meaningful reduction in energy usage. By applying three analysis methods presented here (Benchmarking, Load Factor Analysis, and Weather Normalization), the energy manager can develop insight which should lead to sound energy management decisions.

John Avina, President of Abraxas Energy Consulting, has worked in energy analysis and utility bill tracking almost 15 years. During his tenure at Thermal Energy Applications Research Center, Johnson Controls, SRC Systems, Silicon Energy and Abraxas Energy Consulting, Mr. Avina has managed the M&V for a large performance contractor, managed software development for energy analysis applications, created energy analysis software that is commercially for sale, taught over 200 energy management classes, created hundreds of building models and utility bill tracking databases, modeled hundreds of utility rates, performed numerous energy audits and set up and maintained M&V projects for a handful of 500 to 1000 unit big box store chains. Mr. Avina has a MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), the American Solar Energy Society (ASES), and a Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP).

Abraxas Energy Consulting performs energy audits and pro

Blast Your Energy Blocks Away

Through the mind, body, soul connection you are supporting the expansion of mind and heart. Awareness is the key to being present in the now and in you. Maximum growth happens when you are present and the magnificence of your true being unfolds like a rose.

This ancient wisdom through different expressions is shared insightfully in discovering your uniqueness. Connecting to your true being your life’s journey becomes purposeful, clear and one filled with love and gratitude.

Most of us are characterised as having very high levels of energy. Since energy is the fuel with which everything is achieved, there seems to be a direct relationship between energy levels and levels of accomplishment. It is hard to imagine a tired, burned-out person achieving much in life. On the other hand, energetic, positive, forward-moving individuals seem to get and enjoy far more of the things life has to offer than does the average person.

The three main forms are physical energy, emotional energy, and mental energy. Each of these energies is different, but they are interrelated, and they depend on each other. Take inventory of energy blocks appearling in your current life: thought, emotion, body and life experience.. Raise your vibration to best manifest your heart’s desires.

Physical Energy is Basic
We have been led to believe that there is basically one kind of energy. We supposedly replenish this energy by sleeping at night, and during the day, we use it up again. It is as though we are machines powered by batteries, and each night we recharge our batteries for seven or eight hours. However, there are some problems with this view of energy. The biggest problem is that it does not deal with the fact that there are actually three different kinds of energy, each of which is necessary for maximum performance.

Physical energy is raw energy, coarse energy, bulk energy, what we call “meat-and-potatoes” energy. Your physical energy is what you use to do physical labor. It is the primary energy applied by men and women who earn their livings by the sweat of their brow.

The second form of energy is emotional energy. This is the energy of enthusiasm and excitement. This is the energy that lends sparkle to the life of an individual. This is the energy that is necessary for feeling love, happiness, and joy. Largely, it is your emotional energy that makes life enjoyable for you. In fact, almost everything you say and do is determined in some way by an emotion, either positive or negative.

Mental energy is the energy of creativity, of problem solving and decision making. You use mental energy to make sales, write reports and proposals, plan your day and your week, and learn new subjects. Your level of mental energy is a major determinant of the quality of your life.

Conserve Your Best Energies
The reason we often fail to reach our full potential in life is we burn up our energy at the emotional leve. We then have very little energy left over to create and live our lives purposefully. Negative emotions are like a fire buringin the energy of our soul so quickly we have been left with little to act constructively. In fact, one five-minute uncontrolled outburst of anger can burn up as much energy as an average person would use in eight hours of work.

Action Exercises

First, take time to identify the different ways that you either use up or deplete your levels of physical, emotional and mental energy. How could you improve in each area?

Second, be sure to get plenty of healthful, nutritious food so you can keep your physical energy at high levels. This is the key to all other energies.

Third, look for ways to conserve your emotional energies by being more relaxed and optimistic in the face of daily problems and disappointments.

The more energy you have, the happier and more productive you will be.

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